Let's come to understand and look deeper into the interventions that are happening right now. The beast system is by all accounts the method by which satan gains his control over the politically governed leadership of the human populations in the nations of this world. It involves The first beast and the second beast. It involves the New World Order. It involves the antichrist and the false prophet. It involves a "re-organization of regions or nations. We can identify this as the New World Order calls these regions or nations newly labeled as "member states." Each member state is led by the authority of the antichrist of whom he will appoint as a regional or nation's representative.
Before going into specific features, interventions, plans and goals. Lets look again at the various categories that we can see and discern the changing and the basis for the Reset:
Nation member Leaders / World military branches & Weaponry / Banking/ Commerce Trade / Healthcare & Sciences /Devices & Algorithms /Education /Industry & Workforce & Taxation /Communication & Equipment/ Housing & Identities.
Nation member Leaders:
Currently there are wars and rumors of wars. They are world wide and vary among the nations and regions. All of these nations will come against Israel. Member states will all come against Israel. At the present time nations are re-organizing geographically and politically. Older political leaderships are stepping down in power. New leaders are moving into position. Soon the Antichrist will become apparent to all peoples who remain alive and conscious. When the Antichrist is revealed any sort of democracy will cease to be a reality. the antichrist will reign as the NEW World Leader on earth. satan will direct every decision and movement that the antichrist New World Leader sets and mandates across all member nations. Directed by satan, the antichrist will crown each member-state or region its own representative/leader. Scripture reveals the direction of the member-state regions describing powers that come against Israel during the great battle of Armageddon. In the scriptures those "leaders of nations/regions are called kings."
Daniel 11:40 ESV--
“At the time of the end, the king of the south shall attack him, but the king of the north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. And he shall come into countries and shall overflow and pass through.
Below is an enlarged photo of the mural in the UN Security Chamber:
World Military Branches & Weaponry
The United Nations and the New World Order consists of all nations. This politically actualizes among all governments and regions by way of instituting functional systems and ultimately the Reset. Not all systems will be implemented prior to installation of each system. Nor will all systems be in place and in operation when the antichrist is recognized. Many of these systems are coming to fruition now and within our own timeframe at the present time. For instance the UN has its own military. Even the Unites States of America has pledged its support of the UN's military forces in time of crisis. Other regions have also pledged their support with soldiers and trained personnel. Weapon used is vast and at the disposal of the "highest bidder" world wide. All nations buy, sell and trade weapons, missiles, satellites and military instruments.
Newer weaponry now exists not only in the nuclear advantage but also in the bioweapon advantage to threaten, control and or defeat any given enemy. Most recently a complaint was brought to the UN over intentions in weaponry:
"China complains to UN after maneuvering its space station away from SpaceX Starlink satellites.This isn’t the first time that a space station has had to maneuver out of the way of a satellite or piece of debris. The International Space Station is consistently boosting its orbiting to avoid potential collisions with objects in space. In November, the astronauts on board the ISS had to shelter in place after Russia destroyed one of its own satellites in a nearby orbit, a show of strength
known as an anti-satellite, or ASAT test. The test created thousands of pieces of debris that initially threatened the space station — and may continue to pose a threat to the ISS for years." (from The Verge Dec 28, 2021)
Banking, Commerce and Trade
The three activities take place continually among individuals, corporations, governments and agencies. Each has become dependent on active participation, integrity or security, speed and ease of use. They system for exchange of goods and services and finance and ownership is so vast and all inclusive that the populations and world leaders have gone beyond the ability to secure a reliable benefit in the system that now exist. These three activities and methods no long are able to address the needs of its society. Knowledge has increased faster than the systems in place for banking, commerce and trade. Vanity, greed, selfishness and deception abound. The New World Order has already planned and set its goals for integrating its new system of management of banking, commerce and trade among the populations and nations of the world. A Reset or a "thrown switch" must take place in order to institute this new system that relies on the speed of the 5G and 6G internet and the speed and calculation and predictability of the Quantum Computer and the Cloud services. The old systems must be halted in order for the new system to take place. It is my belief that this will not take place all at once world-wide but by deception through problem-solution scenarios across the globe. Area by area, catastrophic problems will be created and put into effect which will lead member states to initiate block-chain systems to manage banking, commerce and trade. Any success of a nation or member state can only succeed on its ability to complete its banking, commerce and trade reliably with other nations. (see article on Bah Bah Block-Chain).
to be continued part 3