Everybody is talking about……THE RESET
Let me start off by saying this: I’ve already received my reset! How did that happen? The truth is that Jesus Christ made the reset for all civilization when He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven and sat down at the Right hand of God the Father. God the Father had put everything under His Son’s feet. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega- the beginning and the end! He offered us a NEW Covenant through God’s grace and mercy and by HIS blood. We who have proclaimed HIM as our Lord and Savior upon seeking HIm and answering His invitation have gained eternal life. When I did that, I was miraculously given my RESET. Now, we continue in Him in faith. We run the race. He is our hope, we put our trust and faith in HIM alone, not to what this world may have to offer. We continue to endure and press on through this temporary lifespan on earth and yes, for this time we are in now and in the future here on earth. Sadly and permanently appointed some people will lose their salvation. They will fall away and choose those things this world on earth has to offer them rather than following in God’s divine direction for us each. Those who choose to take the mark, worship the beast and follow the beast and its’ system are giving up their inheritance. Just as Esau gave up his inheritance for a temporary indulgence of soup. The inheritance fell to Jacob, the younger son of Isaac.
The Lord has demanded that His children “come out of her.” What did HE mean by that? Who is her and how does one come out of her? There have been many people both biblical scholars and pastors as well as countless others who persist in their understanding that “she/her” is the Roman Catholic Church. Some say “she/her is the New Age Church. A lot of people have multiple ideas about who “she/her” is. Some answer vaguely and say it is anything other than their very own organized religious organization!
It is necessary for us to keep Bible scripture in context of the central focus and point of the surrounding scriptures. The scripture of “Come out of Her..” is located in Revelation Chapter 18. It is here that Jesus is revealing the surrounding context of this statement. He is speaking about the last days. He is specifically speaking about Babylon. Whether one views Him speaking of commercial Babylon or Religious Babylon or the government Babylon, we do know He is speaking of a living environment that holds ideas, beliefs, goals, institutions, rules and values of its own. And those are in direct contradiction of HIS desire for where He wants His children to be. [“What is this world but a combination of religion, government and commerce? In other words, Babylon in all its parts stands for that which Christ called 'the world.'" from David Gutzik commentary]
As this “church age” begins to quickly close, we find ourselves becoming more and more aware and led by the Holy Spirit to comprehend the prophetic scriptures of Revelation. And so with the Angel declaring that Babylon has fallen, we come to understand more fully the specific prophecies as they are being fulfilled both now and will be fulfilled quickly in the near future.
My biblical standing is that in the scripture above, Jesus is directing His children to come out of her. I hold that the pronoun Jesus used as: “HER” to be that of the world and all that is involved within it.
Jesus also warns us and states in no uncertain terms that those who receive the “mark” in their right hand or their forehead, and worship the beast will have their names blotted out of the book of life. This is the Lamb’s book of Life. Everyone and Anyone who has been saved by the resurrection and blood of Jesus through His sacrifice sealing the New Covenant has a potential for falling away. They have a choice to make. NO one will be forced to take a mark, or forced to worship the beast. But Jesus does say that the Nations will be deceived and that it is by way of Pharmacea. Also in Revelation Chapter 18 one can read this scripture: “For by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.” Sorcery” is the ancient Greek word pharmakia, which means, "to prepare drugs."
Satan is a liar and full of deception. At this very moment and in the recent past, a worldwide falsely defined “vaccine” was created by man using components not of man. Animals, reptiles, insects and toxic minerals and chemicals were used in a quantum computer generated structured recipe, to deliver via injection, inhalation, absorption and orally the concoction. Every man, woman and child has and will continue to have a choice whether they adhere or refuse to allow the vaccine into their bodies. Being subject to quarantine, isolation, denied human rights and death are the alternatives. But every man, woman and child will be given the choice to receive the mark. Those who do receive the mark will remain as part of the beast driven society and entitled to its worldly benefits. Those refusing, eventually as scripture reveals, will be put to death when they refuse to 1. Accept the mark voluntarily and 2. Worship the image of the beast.
I would like to take time now to explain the Reset according to the World’s timetable or planned progressive steps.
One must keep in mind that systems and methods must be in place and functioning prior to the beginning Reset. These systems and methods will be tested, placed in trial modes, examined and altered prior to the full initiation of them.
Nation member Leaders & World military branches & Weaponry / Banking/ Commerce Trade / Healthcare & Sciences /Devices & Algorithms /Education /Industry & Workforce & Taxation /Communication & Equipment/ Housing & Identities all must have their systems tested and functional prior to its Reset. Population sizes must decrease drastically for the World’s System to function and survive. There are no longer enough worldwide resources to provide for the overpopulated earth. The new World’s Beast system has and is being developed for those who contribute to its primary goals and successful implementation. All other people who are not direct contributors to the system will be excluded and abolished…in that order.
It is essential that every member of society be identified by receiving a mark. This has begun through presenting the world population with a life-threatening pandemic. Although not all populations will succumb to the chronic disease state of the pandemic, it does set a precedent for inoculations against it. The pandemic was instituted for primary and secondary and tertiary goals. The primary goal for instituting and spreading a pandemic was so that the world population would ask for a solution. The solution was given in offering and in mandating a condensed drug therapy. Pharmakeia was created and used as the solution for multiple purposes.
Trade between and among Nations in Commerce must be in crisis to place new systems and oversight by the World’s system of Commerce and Trade. As was done with using a “man-made” pandemic. Discourse and confusion and limitations in trade and commerce must also take place in order to initiate a solution. We are experiencing this “confusion” now.
Transportation and travel both domestically and internationally remains in a state of flux and confusion. Here again the halting and confusion must persist and become a crisis state in order for a solution to be inserted. World transportation services are more than likely being planned and developed whether this is by bankruptcy or by stock ownership or both. Identification permitting individuals to travel is now underway by means of a “passport.” Immigration measures and requirements have been abolished in order to bring more chaos, confusion and ultimately a pleading for national and international institutions of identification of the individuals or groups.
Religious freedom and Freedom to worship has been curtailed by use of the pandemic. It is easy to identify the trial and curtailments place on the ‘churches’ throughout the pandemic. A one world religious center is now under construction where all religions can come together to worship their own specific god-like entity or religion. Soon an idol or statue will be erected for commanded worship as a world together bows to the image of the beast. Science has advanced making it possible now for this to be completed by all peoples of the world. (to be continued)