Father God, in Your name Jesus and the precious Holy Spirit let Your presence touch everyone reading this NOW in Jesus Name! Fill them with Your love and touch them with the fire of God Almighty, Amen! I first want to express and allow from my heart to everyone that what these prayers are all about. Many of us don't know but we are living in the last days because these prayers are being forwarded to love ones and others that are not saved meaning receiving Jesus as there Lord as Saviour. I believe the Father could announce to Jesus it's time. And we will be raptured or Harpazo. I was called to prayer once and that was in the early 90's and there was three of us. All men on our faces contineously praying for three in half months straight. We would start at 3 a.m. and could be praying until late evening or where is was late at night. This time I believe the call to prayer again as Romans 12 verse 12 says rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and continue steadfastly or continuing in prayer. The reason for I ask for agreement in BELIEVING, SPEAKING, RECEIVING, and ACTING its faith. Hebrews 11 verse 6 says faith pleases our Heavenly Father and through Jesus the Son there's a key which John 16 verse 23 through 24 says My Father will give you whatever you ask in My (talking about Jesus), name as well as John 14 verse 13. What God has shown me is everyone in agreement be prepared for an out pouring of the Holy Ghost and God's miracle creative power. Our Heavenly Father is a faith God, He has never done anything without saying it first. Our Father released His faith in WORDS. His Word promises in Isaiah 54 verse 17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper, remember satan is the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. But JESUS! He came so that we might have life and more abundant John 10 verse 10. We are going to start seeing a lot of death, we are going to see and hear about wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes in various places, famine which is begun but again our promise in Psalm 91 it's not coming near us. And Jesus' triumphant return to this earth. He will establish a new heaven a new earth. Joshua 1 verse 9 "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the LORD Your GOD is with you wherever you go." God Bless and prepare for the miracle creative power of God! In Jesus Name
By Pastor Carlos